Category Archives: work

Official amendment of residency rules

This is an unofficial English translation of the most recent amendment of residency rules, announced on April 22, 2014 in and .

Because legalese is not easy to translate the original Chinese text is provided along and followed by the English translation:
From the Ministry of the Interior Order: Revision of the regulation covering “foreigners staying, living, and staying as a permanent resident”

公(發)布日期   103-04-22
Issued date: 04-22-2014

內  文

中華民國一百零三年四月二十二日內政部台內移字第 1030951510 號令
修正發布第 8、9、22 條條文;增訂第 22-1 條條文;並自一百零三年
(this is the #1030951510 order from the Taiwanese Ministry of the Interior; revision of the #8, 9, 22; new 22-1; the starting date of mandate from April 22, 2014)

第 8 條    外國人依本法第三十一條第一項規定申請延期居留時,應於居留期限屆滿

#8 Article, Issue #31, Item #1: Foreigners who wish to apply for extended residency in Taiwan, should send the application package with one photograph, to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) within the last 30 days of the legal staying period:

(Application package)

一、申請書。Application Form

二、護照及外僑居留證。Passport (護照) and ARC( 外僑居留證)

三、其他證明文件。 Other documents

Aliens permitted to reside in Taiwan Foreigners who are 20 years old/or older, and whose father or mother already holds an “Alien Residency Certificate (ARC)” or “Alien Permanent Residency Certificate (APRC)”, and who fulfill the following requirements (qualifications) may apply for the extended residency: 

1. Who has been living in Taiwan legally for at least 10 years, in which he/she has stayed more than 270 days per year.

2. Who was younger than 16 years old when he/she came to Taiwan and since has been living in Taiwan more than 270 days every year.

3. Who was born in Taiwan, and has been living in Taiwan for 10 years, and lived for more than 183 days in Taiwan in each of these years.

Foreigners who are qualified (as listed above) should send in the application package and one photograph to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) within the last 30 days of the legal staying period:  

一、申請書。 1. Application Form

二、護照及外僑居留證。2. Passport and Alien Resident Certificate

三、親屬關係證明。3. Documents proving the relationship to parents

四、其他證明文件。4. Other supporting documents

第 9 條
#9 Article.  The Alien Residency Certificate (ARC, the residency permit) issued to the following aliens can only allow for one year residency:

1. Foreign students who study in Chinese language centers of any universities/colleges recognized by the Ministry of Education.

2. Foreigners studying or undergoing training with the approval of the Ministry of Education or any other Government Ministries.

3. Foreign missionaries and monks.

4. A foreigner married to a Taiwanese citizen (the Taiwanese citizen must have the residency record in Taiwan),  if this is the first time that this foreigner applies for the relative (spousal)-dependent residency.

5. Foreigners with other needs for long-term residency.

As for #1 (foreign students), if the foreign student has been awarded a scholarship provided from the Ministry of Education to the University in specific cases will not be limited for one-year residency only.  (This means students with scholarships from the Ministry of Education can stay longer than one-year)


(“前條第二項”—the wording here is not clear as meaning for the #2 qualification under #8 Order, or under #9 Order)  Foreigners who meet the qualifications of “前條第二項” may apply for extension of the Alien Residency Certificate.  The extension is allowed for 3 years starting from the very last day of previous residency.  When necessary, a second extension is allowed for 3 more years (but cannot exceed 3 years).


第 22 條   外國人來臺投資,或依就業服務法第四十六條第一項第一款至第七款及第

#22 Order.  The Foreigner who came to Taiwan for business investment, or is hired to work in Taiwan according to the Professions/Occupation/Service Law #46, Issue #1 (#1-#7), and Law #48, Issue 1 (#1) [或依就業服務法第四十六條第一項第一款至第七款及第四十八條第一項第一款], or is permitted to stay long-term in Taiwan by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with special cases), if needed, before the last date of legal residency, this Foreigner with his/her spouse (who also has legal residency originally) and their children who are not adults, may apply extended residency to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) with a written application (the application will have to explain the reason of staying as”得以書面敘明理由”).  If it is approved, the Foreigner may stay for extra 6 months. 


第 22-1 條 外國人來臺就學,於居留效期屆滿前,有必要者,得以書面敘明理由,向


#22-1 Order. Foreigners who come to Taiwan for studying (as foreign students), before the legal residency date, if necessary, the foreign student may use a written application to explain the reasons of extension of residency and apply to the “Immigration Office” for extension of residency.  If it is permitted, the Foreigner may stay for extra 6 months.



Here is the same text but with most of the Chinese removed for easier reading:

From the Ministry of the Interior Order: Revision of the regulation covering “foreigners staying, living, and staying as a permanent resident”

Issued date: 04-22-2014


(this is the #1030951510 order from the Taiwanese Ministry of the Interior; revision of the #8, 9, 22; new 22-1; the starting date of mandate from April 22, 2014)


#8 Order, Issue #31, Item #1: Foreigners who wish to apply for extended residency in Taiwan, should send the application package with one photograph, to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) within the last 30 days of the legal staying period:

(Application package)

1,   Application Form
2,   Passport (護照) and Alien Resident Certificate (ARC, 外僑居留證)
3,   Other supporting documents

Aliens permitted to reside in Taiwan Foreigners who are 20 years old/or older, and whose father or mother already holds an “Alien Residency Certificate (ARC)” or “Alien Permanent Residency Certificate (APRC)”, and who fulfill the following requirements (qualifications) may apply for the extended residency:

1. Who has been living in Taiwan legally for at least 10 years, in which he/she has stayed more than 270 days per year.

2. Who was younger than 16 years old when he/she came to Taiwan and since has been living in Taiwan more than 270 days every year.

3. Who was born in Taiwan, and has been living in Taiwan for 10 years, and lived for more than 183 days in Taiwan in each of these years.

Foreigners who are qualified (as listed above) should send in the application package and one photograph to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) within the last 30 days of the legal staying period:

1. Application Form

2. Passport and the “Alien Resident Certificate”

3. Documents proving the relationship to the parents

4. Other supporting documents


#9 Order.  The Alien Residency Certificate (ARC) for the following foreigners can only allow for one year residency:

1. Foreign students who study in the Chinese language centers of any universities/colleges that are recognized by the Ministry of Education.

2. Foreigners studying or undergoing training with the approval of the Ministry of Education or any other Government Ministries.

3. Foreign missionaries and monks.

4. A foreigner married to a Taiwanese citizen (the Taiwanese citizen must have the residency record in Taiwan),  if this is the first time that this foreigner applies for the relative (spousal)-dependent residency.

5. Foreigners with other needs for long-term residency.

As for the #1 (foreign students), if the foreign student is awarded with a scholarship provided from the Ministry of Education to the University in specific cases will not be limited for one-year residency only.  (that means students with scholarships from the Ministry of Education can stay longer than one-year)

(“前條第二項”—the wording here is not clear as meaning for the #2 qualification under #8 Order, or under #9 Order)  Foreigners who meet the qualification of “前條第二項” may apply for extension of the Foreigner Residency Card.  The extension is allowed for 3 years starting from the very last day of previous residency.  When necessary, the second extension is allowed for 3 more years (but cannot be longer than 3 years).


#22 Order.  The Foreigner who came to Taiwan for business investment, or is hired to work in Taiwan according to the Professions/Occupation/Service Law #46, Issue #1 (#1-#7), and Law #48, Issue 1 (#1) [或依就業服務法第四十六條第一項第一款至第七款及第四十八條第一項第一款], or is permitted to stay long-term in Taiwan by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with special cases), if needed, before the last date of legal residency, this Foreigner with his/her spouse (who also has legal residency originally) and their children who are not adults, may apply extended residency to the “Immigration Office” (出國及移民署) with a written application (the application will have to explain the reason of staying as”得以書面敘明理由”).  If it is permitted, the Foreigner may stay for extra 6 months.


#22-1 Order. Foreigners who come to Taiwan for studying (as foreign students), before the legal residency date, if necessary, the foreign student may use a written application to explain the reasons of extension of residency and apply to the “Immigration Office” for extension of residency.  If it is permitted, the Foreigner may stay for extra 6 months.

我們還沒有慶祝 (Why we aren’t celebrating)

最近,因為移民署對於在台灣長大的 外國小孩之居留問題,有做一些法條上的修正,因此我們的家庭不斷的接收到親友們的恭賀。Taiwan_noFamilies

多家媒體(台北時報以及Focus Taiwan)近期都報導說,移民署對於來台的外國人之居留法條已做了修正了,本來來台灣生活的外籍年輕人、在台灣出生的小孩,20歲如果沒有就學或是就 業,就將沒有合法居留權,要被迫離開台灣,現在移民署將之修正成為可延期到26歲。



這種法律的修正,主要涉及的是來台灣的外國孩子,或是在台灣出生成長的外國孩子。這些孩子,在20歲生日時,也就是成年後 ,不得不離開這個國家(也就是自己的家)。根據新規定,他們被允許申請延長三年,延期可以使用兩次,這將讓他們依法留在台灣最多也多6年。

乍 看之下,也許這樣的修法,看起來像是台灣對外開放的一大進步,但其實最根本的問題一樣存在,而且是一大問題:此法律的修正,也就是此延期的居留方案,並沒 有給予工作許可證。如果想要合法居留並且合法工作,必須達到相當高的門檻,必須由公司高薪聘請,才可能取得工作許可證。如此高的門檻,對於一般剛畢業的學 生來說,根本不可能。



Krystyna (22) 雷堤娜

Krystyna 在德國出生,她在1998年2月跟著我跟我老婆一起來到台灣,當年她6歲。她第一個台灣的家是在淡水,她一開始在跟鄰居玩樂的過程中學習中文,之後進入一 般台灣的國小跟著一般的小孩子一起學習中文。之後我的工作調職到高雄,Krystyna就在高雄的國小、國中完成了她的學業。




從她20歲開始,她的居留權不再是依親,而是以學校。透過學校,她才有辦法申請到合法的工作許可證,也因此才可以去打工。感謝她在大學時期可以拿到 合法工作證,她可以幫助家裡的負擔一些經濟壓力,她不只自己付學費,還有賺生活費,另外可以有工作的權力,也幫助她有機會接觸更多藝術圈的工作,如主持、 上節目表演、拍廣告等… 她的臉你也許有見過,因為她是台北捷運電視上的捷客 Sara。 .


Krystyna 將在今年的六月畢業。根據現在的規定,她可以延期六個月使用她的學生身分,擁有工作許可證。在這六個月的時間內,她必須找到一份全職高薪並且願意幫她辦工 作證、居留證的工作,如果沒有找到,她基本上就會變成只有光觀客的身分與權力,但她已經在台灣住了16年,也快她的一輩子了,而這裡對她來說是家,卻沒有 任何自主權。

正常來台灣讀書的學生,畢業就會回到自己的家鄉去。但因為她是在台灣成長的,她可以延期到26歲,但這幾年,她並沒有自由工 作的權利,她沒有辦法合法的去上節目、做表演的工作、去兩廳院打工、教課… 一切Part time 的工作她都不能夠做,這最一個想要從事藝術表演的人來說,非常不公平,她想要當一個自由藝術表演者,但以現在的狀況來說,她沒有選擇,只能去找大公司上 班,當上班族才有可能達到居留標準。


Alex (20) 雷傑

Alexander 也在德國出生,他3歲的時候跟著我們來到台灣,當Krystyna 讀國小的時候,他剛好讀幼稚園。之後他就跟姐姐讀一樣的國小、國中,他從小對自然科技與物理很有興趣,因此他大學考取了中原大學應用數學系。

他 喜歡學習,但他不是很喜歡學習的環境,他在讀大學一年級的過程中,領悟到大家讀大學不是為了學習,只是為了文憑。他看見其他同學每當期中考結束,而也都及 格了後,就只會整天在宿舍玩電動,讀書似乎只為應用老師、家長,只要能順利畢業就好的感覺。也許這是現在社會大家都大學的態度吧,但這真的不是件好事。我 記得我小時候讀大學時,大家對於讀書都有自己的想法,會為了自己讀,不是什麼文憑,畢竟知識是自己的寶藏,誰也拿不走。



Andi (15) 雷安迪

我們另外兩個小的,擁有姊姊、哥哥沒有的: 一份在台灣出生的證明書



Andi 出生於1998 ,在台北。


Andi 就讀跟他的姊姊、哥哥一樣的國小國中,之後他選擇讀工商夜校的電機科。這樣的生活作息非常適合他,因為他白天可以做他自己喜歡的事情,他個性就是喜歡做事 情,而不是聽課,他個性直率,想什麼就說什麼,並不是所有的老師都喜歡這種有想法的學生,加上他是外國臉孔,讓他在學校更容易被關注到。


Sam (13) 雷山姆

Sami也在台灣出生,2000年,跟Andi在同一家醫院誕生的。他跟姊姊揭、哥哥們就讀一樣的國小以及國中,現在就讀國中二年級,他的故事才正要開始。他最近有興趣學習一些關於工程的語言( C++ ),而這方面我也非常擅長。



各位以一個父母的角度看待這件事情,你的小孩滿20歲就必須離開你的身邊,自己到一個陌生的國家去,你不心疼嗎? 我很捨不得。